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Jen Toal
Mermaid. Laser Maven. Wife. Mom. Artist. Educator. Shape Shifter. Invisible Disability Warrior.
Cooperative mini arcade.The kids worked so well together on a balanced arcade environment. | Cornell Mini CarnivalMaker flash mobs are sure to break open young imaginations. Thank you so much, Emily, Louise, Suzi, the teachers and kids of Cornell's 4th graders. That was entirely rad. | Re-use merry go round.Great build, team. |
Drawing with JentleWe drew, hard, for almost 2 hours. | Smash Lab; beauty in destructionWe spend so much time making, and it's glorious. But sometimes we all need to SMASH. | This is our goal. |
This is what I brought to help. | I brought these, too, in case... | Robot arms!Did you know you could make such a thing? Well, now you do. |
Cornell Cardboard PacmanGreat build! | Don't like the toy?Then CHANGE the toy!! | Laser cuttingWe design and adapt and decide and manufacture and finish. |
Laser cuttingBring a dream or a design. Make something awesome. | Kite making | Kite flying |
Cardboard PalaceBox rivets are the bomb. | Hackwarts BroomsLesson designed by Samantha. | Cornell Carnival Wire AcrobatsLesson designed by Louise. |
Hackwarts Care of Magical CreaturesLet's make pink flamingos into better things. Like dragons and phoenixes and thestrals. (Oh, my.) | Brothers in robotics.The family that makes together... | This flamingo became a Reaper.Hackwarts forever. |
My phoenix flamingo. | Hackwarts Monster Book of MonstersLesson designed by Samantha, Chris, & Jen. | Hackwarts Monster Book of MonstersLesson designed by Samantha, Chris, & Jen. |
Brushbots diagramThis is how I like to explain things... | Hackwarts Patronus LanternsLesson designed by Samantha & Jen. | The ball cup glasses event.I just dig this kid's build so freaking hard. He didn't even knock himself out. |
When Jen draws...They're like butterflies. With questions. | Make the tool you cannot find.If you can. We failed. But that's okay. | Let's make things that roll. |
Her pride, though. | Making is always better with notes.Journal it! | Her pride, too. |
Sand casting.YAAAASSSS. | She worked hard to get this shape.And it is lovely. | Sand castingMaking something three dimensional and metal is super satisfying. |
That one kid.:) When the teachers come to learn, prep for shenanigans. | Prepping automata for CornellMaker Ed in the public school system requires short cutting to the part you really need the kids to understand. Which means prep. In a lab, I'd make the kid do this. | Teaching Lego RoboticsThis was fun, but the kids didn't get to keep anything. |
Coin MazesShe was my youngest consistent student. She made all the things. | We can carve the pumpkins.Meow. | We can wire the pumpkins.They chomp. |
Lab time.Curiosity Hacked was a glorious space to be part of. | Faerie HousesThis is always great. And why I'm frequently tempted to pick up small "nature bits" from sidewalks.... | Faerie Houses |
Faerie Houses | Faerie Houses | Faerie HousesThis one got super tall. |
Maker flow.Mixing media and methods. | Public school outreachI've worked in elementary schools through Berkeley, Albany, and Oakland. | Linocut print makingPeople always find this one so satisfying. <3 |
Linocut print making | Screen printing | Circuit BlocksHammers and wires and lights, oh my. |
Laser cut lanternsWe ran the gamut of creative skills to make these beauties. Kids had to work with vector art, electronics, shadow work design, fabrication, and building. | Shrunken Heads!I like to make stations. | Project PlanningThis particular exploded version of this ongoing lesson was brilliantly offered by Samantha Cook. I was delighted to be there as support. |
Hackwarts Magic Wands | Needle felting.People are often surprised because this craft looks all soft and fuzzy, but is mostly done by stabbing. | Stitching to resist.Draw it, sew it, really own it. |
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